
An interactive fiction by Adam Smith (2007) - the Inform 7 source text

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Chapter 4 - Some Computer Games

The bloop game is a page. The url of it is "". The title of it is "Bloop.exe".
Instead of loading the bloop game:
    clear the screen;
    say "Bloop[line break][line break]by SJML[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Please read the postmortems![line break]Drag the microbes around to breed the target organism.[line break]What out for evil ones![paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Your display becomes a giant magnifying glass. In its view are several flagellated microorganisms, all single-celled. They have varying traits (glow, size, number of nuclei, shape, etc). The HUD suggests you make a certain kind of organism. For the life of you, you can't seem to evolve the kind of creature you want.[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    try backing up.
The civil unrest game is a page. The url of it is "". The title of it is "CivilUnrest.exe".
Instead of loading the civil unrest game:
    say "404 Not Found.[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Normally it would be impossible to get a 404 when clicking a link from a directory index. Hmm.[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    try backing up.

The flow control game is a page. The url of it is "". The title of it is "FlowControl.exe".
Instead of loading the flow control game:
    clear the screen;
    say "FLOW CONTROL[line break]by demetrius jordan[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "GOAL: maneuver the balls to the colored squares to score poitns until the time bar runs out[line break]HOW: click the fans to change direction[line break]manipulate the maze to control flow clicking on the barriers[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Nifty animation. The gameplay is just like the description suggested. GAME OVER (you couldn't finish the maze in time).";
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    try backing up.

The grow em game is a page. The url of it is "". The title of it is "GrowEm.exe".
Instead of loading the grow em game:
    clear the screen;
    say "Grow 'Em![line break]by TJ Jackson[line break]Made in 2 days[line break]Music - Dimitri Shostakovich[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Instructions[line break]Select two flowers and make a seed[line break]Select seed, click on ground, and pull up to grow flower[line break]Breed the flowers to make target flower[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "You quickly fill your screen with terrible mutant flowers, each with their own cute face. It looks like this game will take more than two minutes to beat.";
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    try backing up.

The guidance game is a page. The url of it is "". The title of it is "Guidance.ex".
Instead of loading the guidance game:
    clear the screen;
    say "GUIDANCE[line break]by TJ Jacksion[line break]Made in 3 Days[line break]Music - Zero 7[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "INSTRUCTIONS[line break]Your mouse is the center of gravity of the system. Masses are accelerated toward it. Move your mouse to guide the masses.[line break]Bring a mass to a target of the same color to score points.[line break]{yellow puff, arrow, yellow target}[line break]You lose life when masses collide with each other.[line break]{yellow puff and blue puff with a crossed circle over them}[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Magic white bars block block the path of the stars in most cases. Its a good thing they are they or else your single yellow and blue masses would quickly converge. You navigate the masses through a few targets with ease. However your life creeps steadily down with your sloppy control. Indirect control may be a cool game mechanic to experiment with, but its not the best for making a nice arcade game.";
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    try backing up.

The ice fishing game is a page. The url of it is "". The title of it is "IceFishing.exe".
Instead of loading the ice fishing game:
    clear the screen;
    say "Ice Fishing[line break](MacGyver Style)[line break]Click To Start[line break]By Phillip Saltzman[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Click to focus the sun's rays[line break]Melt snow to make icicles[line break]Melt icicles to hit fish[line break]Can you catch them all before sunset??[line break]Click to Continue[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Dark, alpha-blended ovals circle in an frosty pond in the center of the screen. Particle system snow floats down across the scene. Your cursor makes a little glowing triangle of light when it is near the sun. Placing it over the snow, as the instructions promised, produces water that freezes into icicles, that then melt off and fall into the bodies of the 'fish' below. You lose interest after about five of such fishes.";
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    try backing up.

The lina hopp game is a page. The url of it is "". The title of it is "Linahopp.exe".
Instead of loading the lina hopp game:
    clear the screen;
    say "LINAHOP[line break]by TJ Jackson[line break]Made in 1 Week[line break]Music: Watter Legawiec[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Instructions:[line break]Hold and move left mouse button to draw barriers[line break]{picture of purple barrier (looks hand drawn) deflecting a red ball from the path of a blue ball while a green ball sneaks in from the back}[line break]Block to red tokens, and collect the green![paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "LEIKUR YFIR![line break](Game Over)[line break]Your Score: 0[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Well, that was quick. You try again. Madly drawing purple barriers seemingly just in time to save your sorry blue token, you manage to score 800 points before a red token sneaks in. Nifty.[line break]Game over.";
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    try backing up.
The mail madness game is a page. The url of it is "". The title of it is "MailMadness.exe".
Instead of loading the mail madness game:
    clear the screen;
    say "Mail Madness!!![line break]Click to Start[line break]By Phillip Saltzman[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Instructions[line break]{a red letter tumbles down a ramp towards blue bin}[line break]Click on the outlines to make ramps[line break]Sort the mail into bins by color[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "A colored letters drop from gray ducts at the top of the screen. The first few drop directly into the correct bins but things quickly start to get complex. No matter how fast you turn on these 'ramps' you can't seem to keep up with the mail. After a while you have several letters of all colors trapped in a corner of the screen, bouncing around subject to numerical errors in the physics code presumably. A few seconds later...[paragraph break]Game Over[line break]You sorted 5 pieces of mail[line break]Click Here to Play Again[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Maybe not.";
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    try backing up.

The nexus game is a page. The url of it is "". The title of it is "Nexus.exe".
Instead of loading the nexus game:
    clear the screen;
    say "N E X U S[line break]by SJML[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Which would you prefer?[line break][line break]a game![line break]a toy![line break](your cursor hovers over 'a toy')[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "GRAVITY:[line break]Form masses from the debris by clicking[line break]{small rocks, green arrow, big rock}[line break]Use the gravity of the masses to manipulate the stream.[line break]Quite juicy![line break]Shift-drag to build masses.[line break]Right-click to reset world.[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "You 'build' a few masses and successfully divert a stream of strange green goo around the screen a bit. After less than a minute the game becomes near unplayable because of increasingly strange graphical bugs. Maybe there is something strange about your video card drivers that doesn't fit some assumption the developer made. You quit the game without succesfully locating the GAME OVER screen.";
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    try backing up.

The planetary propogation game is a page. The url of it is "". The title of it is "PlanetaryPropogation.exe".
Instead of loading the planetary propogation game:
    clear the screen;
    say "Planetary Propagation[line break]By Demetrius Jordan[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Planetary Propagation[line break]Goal: Form 12 planets without getting hit by a planet[line break]How: carry space debris to nebulas in space to form a planet[line break]Controls:[line break]left-click on a spaceship to gather debris[line break]left-click around the screen to move the spaceship[line break]Hints:[line break]more debris form bigger planets[line break]planets that hit each other form moons and move faster[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "After several minutes of clicking:[paragraph break]Planets formed: 7[line break]You Lose[line break]click to play again[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "You suppose its a fair call to call crashing into the sun a way to lose the game. This game didn't have most realistic gravity simulation (or any at all), but it did give you a nice sense of accomplishment. Anyway, moving on...";
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    try backing up.

The riff game is a page. The url of it is "". The title of it is "Riff.exe".
Instead of loading the riff game:
    clear the screen;
    say "Riff[line break]by TJ Jackson[line break]Made in 3 Days[line break]Music - John Coltrane[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Instructions:[line break]Click on adjacent tokens of the same shape or color to build a combo chain[line break]See how high of a combo you can make![line break]{squares, diamonds, hexagons, stars, circles are connected by sticks}[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Nice jazz.[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "game over[line break]Your Score: 74[line break]Max combo: 4[paragraph break]Yay! ... You blame your poor performance on the soft blur that seems to cast over the whole game. Unfortunately, there was nothing all that jazzy about the game.";
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    try backing up.
The hunters game is a page. The url of it is "". The title of it is "TheHunters.exe".
Instead of loading the hunters game:
    clear the screen;
    say "The Hunters[line break]by Demetrius Jordan[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Goal[line break]Take down the prey by hanging on all 6 tentacles[line break]Controls[line break]left-click to select a hunter[line break]left-click again to jump[line break]hold right mouse button to move hunters[line break]Hints[line break]moving the tower too fast causes it to fall[line break]reach the prey before it gets over the stars[paragraph break]we declare VICTORY!!![paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Your tribal goons form a tower by climbing atop each others shoulders. Your first try moving the tower leads to immediate crubling. A strange, six-armed, one-eyed monster waves its tentacles tauntingly above your people and slowly ascends into the heavens. As your more and more of your people grab hold of the tentacles the 'prey' stops making progress and before long you are seeing the much deserved 'VICTORY!!!' screen. Bang.";
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    try backing up.
The townsburgh power game is a page. The url of it is "". The title of it is "TownsburghPower.exe".
Instead of loading the townsburgh power game:
    clear the screen;
    say "Townsburgh Power[line break]Click to Start[line break]by Phillip Saltzman[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Instructions:[line break]Drag gears to the switchboard and use them to extend the chain gear network[line break]Double click a gear to pass it over the chain[line break]Discard a gear by moving it to the trash[line break]When a lightbulb gear spins enough, it adds power to the grid[line break]When a link gear spins fast enough, it adds links to the chain[line break]Townsburgh is counting on you to keep the grid green![line break]Click to continue[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Click click click double click drag click click click click click click click.[paragraph break]Great Work![paragraph break]It appears by extending a strangely elastic chainsaw over the entire city and wrapping it around enough gears (the size of several city blocks) you have saved the day. Hmm.";
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    try backing up.

The troy game is a page. The url of it is "". The title of it is "Troy.exe".
Instead of loading the troy game:
    turn the background black;
    say white letters;
    clear the screen;
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    center "TROY";
    say paragraph break;
    center "by Evan Vincent";
    say paragraph break;
    center "Click to Start";
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    center "why are you so nosey";
    center "my little child";
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    wait for any key;

    clear the screen;
    center "why do you want";
    center "to know";
    center "my secrets";
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    wait for any key;

    clear the screen;
    center "perhaps...";
    wait for any key;

    clear the screen;
    wait for any key;

    clear the screen;
    center "it is time";
    wait for any key;

    clear the screen;
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    center "to know yours";
    wait for any key;

    clear the screen;
    wait for any key;
    clear the screen;
    center "";
    wait for any key;

    turn the background white;
    say black letters;
    clear the screen;
    say "The site is gone now, taken by the squatters. There is no record of it a[paragraph break]Was [blue letters][italic type]this[roman type][black letters] the game?[paragraph break]";
    stop game abruptly.

The updraft game is a page. The url of it is "". The title of it is "Updraft.exe".
Instead of loading the updraft game:
    say "404 Not Found.[paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    say "Strange, the directory index said the file was right here. Even stranger, upon closer inspection, is the fact that the title of the directory index '/fileshare' had no preceeding path. [italic type]Your joy at finding all of these games is suddenly twisted by a deep feeling of suspicion.[roman type][paragraph break]";
    wait for any key;
    try backing up.