"Troy" by Adam Smith. The story genre is "Non-Fiction". The story headline is "A highly realistic adaptation of the alternative reality game". The story description is "Snoop though handfuls of personal data in the form of web pages, images, documents, and experimental gameplay prototypes in a search for a controversial game.". Release along with cover art, a website, the solution, and source text. Chapter 0 - Preface [This work is intended to be a highly realistic adaptation of the ARG (alternative realtity game) called "Troy" designed by TJ Jackson as part of the Experimental Gameplay Project at Cargegie Mellon University. Much of the text in this work is taken directly from the pages and games found on the web as part of the author's experience playing through the real game. In fact, the reader may examine any anchor in the game to find the URL of the real pages involved in the game.] [One quirk of this adaptation is that it represents the state of the ARG as one might play it as of 2007, after the domain name involved in a critical part of the story was left to expire and has since been grabbed by domain squatters. Because it is only at the final stage of the ARG that TINAG (this is not a game) is finally abandoned, and this is precicsely one of the missing pieces in the adaptation, the story of this work has a distinctly different feeling at the end (despite being purely non-fictional!).] [The original game can be played here: http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/newstuff/download.php?Troy.exe] Chapter 2 - A Web Browser Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. Use no scoring. Table of Status Lines left central right "" "[title of current page]" "" Rule for constructing the status line: fill status bar with Table of Status Lines; rule succeeds. Instead of taking something: say "Even when your cursor does look like a little white hand, it is hardly capable of taking anything.". Instead of dropping something (called the topic), say "In [italic type]trying[roman type] to forget it, [the topic] becomes more strongly rooted in your memory." Before going: say "Your cursor is constrained to the display in front of you."; stop the action. Before exiting: end the game saying "GAME OVER". Instead of examining yourself: say "You don't have a webcam." A page is a kind of room. A page has a text called the url. A page has a text called the title. An anchor is a kind of thing. An anchor has a page called the destination. The current page is a page that varies. Things are usually scenery. Table of Browser History page the blank page with 32 blank rows Loading is an action applying to one thing. Instead of loading a page (called p): move the player to p; change the current page to p. Backing up is an action applying to nothing. Understand "back" or "b" as backing up. Instead of backing up: let n be the number of filled rows in The Table of Browser History; choose row n in the Table of Browser History; let p be the page entry; blank out the whole row; silently try loading p. Linking is an action applying to nothing. Understand "links" or "ls" as linking. Instead of linking: say "Links[line break]"; say "[italic type][list of anchors in the current page][roman type]". Historizing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "history" or "hist" or "h" as historizing. Instead of historizing: say "Browser History[line break]"; say "[italic type][title of current page][roman type] (current page)[line break]"; repeat through the Table of Browser History in reverse order begin; let the p be the page entry; say "[italic type][title of p][roman type][line break]"; end repeat. Clicking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "click [an anchor]" or "c [an anchor]" or "[an anchor]" as clicking. Instead of clicking an anchor (called the link): choose a blank row in the Table of Browser History; change the page entry to the location of the player; let p be the destination of the link; say "Loading [fixed letter spacing][the url of p][variable letter spacing]."; silently try loading p. Instead of clicking something: say "Impossible.". The printed name of a page is "[the title]". The description of an anchor is "[fixed letter spacing][the url of the destination][variable letter spacing]". Chapter 3 - Some Web Pages [--] The blank page is a page. "A blank white screen.". The title of it is "about:blank". The url of it is "about:blank". Every turn while in the blank page, try exiting. [--] The Rabbit Hole is a page. "You were hoping for a save-as dialog and a leisurely wait for the download to complete. Not the case.[line break][line break]It looks like a basic 404 page (not the default for Apache, but just as uninformative). There is a blocky image with a message containing a link below." The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/newstuff/download.php?Troy.exe". The title of it is "404 - File Not Found". The blocky image is here. "A pixelated black and white gif boldy displaying '404'." It is scenery. A message is here. "'File not found. Try checking it's parent directory.' It looks like 'parent directory' is a clickable link. You suppose it might lead to somewhere that could tell you [italic type]something[roman type] about the this 'Troy' game.". It is scenery. The parent directory link is an anchor in the rabbit hole. The destination of it is newstuff index. [--] Newstuff index is a page. "They must be running Apache after all. This is your everyday autogenerated listing of the directory contents[paragraph break] [fixed letter spacing ]Name Last modified Size [line break] [line break] Parent Directory 08-Nov-2005 16:25 - [line break] EvansStuff/ 22-Oct-2005 11:46 - [line break] IMG_2302.jpg 5-Nov-2005 22:51 63k [line break] IMG_2303.jpg 5-Nov-2005 22:51 66k [line break] IMG_2304.jpg 5-Nov-2005 22:51 68k [line break] IMG_2305.jpg 5-Nov-2005 22:51 72k [line break] IMG_2306.jpg 5-Nov-2005 22:51 63k [line break] IMG_2307.jpg 5-Nov-2005 22:51 66k [line break] grav.exe 31-Oct-2005 14:59 868k [line break] test.swf 09-May-2005 14:18 3k [line break] [variable letter spacing]". The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/newstuff/index.php". The title of it is "Index of /newstuff". The link to newstuff parent directory is an anchor in newstuff. The destination of it is ETC home. The link to EvansStuff is an anchor in newstuff. The destination of it is Evan's Stuff. Understand "stuff" or "evanstuff" as the link to evansstuff. The link to 2302 is an anchor in newstuff. The destination of it is IMG_2302_jpg. The link to 2303 is an anchor in newstuff. The destination of it is IMG_2303_jpg. The link to 2304 is an anchor in newstuff. The destination of it is IMG_2304_jpg. The link to 2305 is an anchor in newstuff. The destination of it is IMG_2305_jpg. The link to 2306 is an anchor in newstuff. The destination of it is IMG_2306_jpg. The link to 2307 is an anchor in newstuff. The destination of it is IMG_2307_jpg. The link to grav is an anchor in newstuff. The destination of it is grav_exe. The link to test is an anchor in newstuff. The destination of it is test_swf. [--] IMG_2302_jpg is a page. "A photo of a developer of a scruffy-haired developer with glasses and headphones hacks on one of the two computers on his desk, three [italic type]screens[roman type] total. Common desk inhabitants populate the scene.". The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/newstuff/IMG_2302.jpg". The title of it is "IMG_2302.jpg (JPEG Image, 640x480 pixels)". The screens are here. "The screens seem to be displaying some technical stuff, possibly an IDE, a text editor, and a terminal, but it is impossible to read any of the text. The guy is running windows on the desktop and OSX on the laptop. You feel crafty for noticing, but it brings you no closer to the game than when you started." [--] IMG_2303_jpg is a page. "A two developers (both with brown hair, one long and one short) look over a glowing screen. It could be the game, or it could be a slide from a presentation. The motion blur makes it impossible to read anything.". The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/newstuff/IMG_2303.jpg". The title of it is "IMG_2303.jpg (JPEG Image, 640x480 pixels)". [--] IMG_2304_jpg is a page. "Yet another (maybe) developer holds a Guitar Hero guitar and waves some hand signs. There is some [italic type]writing[roman type] on a whiteboard behind him.". The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/newstuff/IMG_2304.jpg". The title of it is "IMG_2304.jpg (JPEG Image, 640x480 pixels)". The writing is here. "FILESHARE[line break]user: experiment[line break]pass: xz9ts53." The fileshare login is here. "fileshare login: experiment/xz9ts53". After examining the writing in IMG_2304_jpg: say "(You now have the fileshare login.)"; now the player carries the fileshare login. [--] IMG_2305_jpg is a page. "A photo of some officey stuff. Nothing stands out.". The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/newstuff/IMG_2305.jpg". The title of it is "IMG_2305.jpg (JPEG Image, 640x480 pixels)". [--] IMG_2306_jpg is a page. "A photo of a stuffed Kermit the Frog lounges on a white couch in front of some hand-drawn cartoon characters. Nice curves, but nothing here for your quest.". The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/newstuff/IMG_2306.jpg". The title of it is "IMG_2306.jpg (JPEG Image, 640x480 pixels)". [--] IMG_2307_jpg is a page. "A hacker happily hacks away at yet another computer with several screens (faced away from the camera, blarg). At least this guy seems to keep his desk clean.". The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/newstuff/IMG_2307.jpg". The title of it is "IMG_2307.jpg (JPEG Image, 640x480 pixels)". [--] Grav_exe is a page. "You download the executable and launch it outside of your browser. It seems to be a physics/animation demo of sorts. There are circles and lines in motion. One of the circles seems to move under the influence of an unseen attractive force. Nifty, sure, but this certainly isn't the entire game. You leave the toy and return to your browser.". The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/newstuff/grav.exe". The title of it is "(out of browser: a simple physics demo program)". [--] Test_swf is a page. "As the name suggets, this flash applet looks like a test. There is a stretchy, five-segment rope that can be attached to a few fixed points in the background. A red ball falls down under the pull of gravity (which doesn't seem to affect the rope). Actually, the more you poke at it, the more you realize how many [italic type]bugs[roman type] there are in this program. You stretch your mind to think of how these mechanics might fit into a game with a little like Troy, but get nowhere. Clues as to the working of real game must be lurking elsewhere.". The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/newstuff/test.swf". The title of it is "test.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object)". Some bugs are here. "You poke at the bugs some more. After a minute or two of the CPU sitting at 100% you decide there are no hidden tricks to this test." [--] Evan's Stuff is a page. "Another autogenerated index.[paragraph break][fixed letter spacing] Name Last modified Size [line break] [line break] Parent Directory 12-Nov-2005 15:05 - [line break] beckyandme.jpg 1-Nov-2005 01:44 56k [line break] logininfo.txt 23-Oct-2005 22:14 1k [line break] troytitle.png 10-Nov-2005 21:46 82k [line break] [variable letter spacing]". The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/newstuff/EvansStuff/". The title of it is "Index of /newstuff/EvansStuff". The link to evansstuff parent directory is an anchor in evan's stuff. The destination of it is newstuff index. The link to beckyandme is an anchor in evan's stuff. The destination of it is the couple shot. The link to logininfo is an anchor in evan's stuff. The destination of it is the members email. The link to troytitle is an anchor in evan's stuff. The destination of it is the cover art. [--] Couple shot is a page. "A photo of a couple in their early twenties, the developer and his girlfriend you would assume. The photographer didn't get around to cleaning up the red-eye effect in photoshop." The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/newstuff/EvansStuff/beckyandme.jpg". The title of it is "beckyandme.jpg (JPEG Image, 800x600 pixels)". [--] Members email is a page. "The plain-text dump of an email from TJ Jackson [fixed letter spacing][variable letter spacing] to Evan Vincent [fixed letter spacing][variable letter spacing]. After a mess of headers you see the meat of the message.[paragraph break][fixed letter spacing]Evan,[line break]Our members page is at: http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/[line break]Your messaging username is 'vangough', default pass is 'changeme', be sure to change it.[line break]-TJ[variable letter spacing][paragraph break]The browser was polite enough to make the plain-text members page URL as well as the domains in the two email addresses clickable." The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/newstuff/EvansStuff/logininfo.txt". The title of it is "logininfo.txt (1392 bytes)". The link to members is an anchor in members email. The destination of it is members page. The link to andrew is an anchor in members email. The destination of it is andrew page. The link to evanvincent is an anchor in members email. The destination of it is the evanvincent page. The messaging login is in members email. "messaging login: vangough/changeme". Every turn when the player is in the members email: if the player does not carry the messaging login begin; say "(You now have the messaging login.)"; now the player carries the messaging login; end if. [--] Andrew is a page. "Computing Services - Carnegie Mellon[line break]The www.andrew.cmu.edu server provides a place for members of the Carnegie Mellon community to publish course, organization, and user web pages.[paragraph break]No, this doesn't look useful either." The url of it is "http://andrew.cmu.edu/". The title of it is "www.andrew.cmu.edu". [--] The evanvincent page is a page. "The domain seems to have expired and is now squatted by a non-descript search-site. You quickly locate a copy of the original page on archive.org.[paragraph break]Not much beyond the gray background other than ...[line break]{broken image title.gif}[line break]{broken image melake.jpg}[line break]bio, blog, resume, research, pictures". The url of it is "http://web.archive.org/web/20060530080316/http://www.evanvincent.com/". The title of it is "EvanVincent.com". The link to bio is an anchor in the evanvincent page. The destination of it is the bio page. The link to blog is an anchor in the evanvincent page. The destination of it is the blog page. The link to resume is an anchor in the evanvincent page. The destination of it is the resume page. The link to research is an anchor in the evanvincent page. The destination of it is the research page. The link to pictures is an anchor in the evanvincent page. The destination of it is the pictures page. [--] The blog page is a page. "Van Gough - Evan Vincent's blog. This looks like an average looking blogspot plot with the usual pale colors and rounded corners. However, it hasn't been updated since 2005. It seems Evan only posted three times before he lost interest in this blog. The posts are [italic type]Crappy Week[roman type], [italic type]Visit Back Home[roman type], and [italic type]New Blog[roman type].". The url of it is "http://evanvincent.blogspot.com/". The title of it is "Van Gough". The crappy week post is in the blog page. "Friday, November 11, 2005[line break] [italic type]Crappy Week[roman type][line break] [line break] Well, this week couldn't get any shittier.[line break] [line break] Becky and I broke up today. Things haven't been so great since I went off to grad school last year, this whole long distance thing just hasn't really worked out. To a certain extent, I think we both saw this coming...things were just wierd when we were hanging out back when I visited her a couple weeks ago. We were just nine days away from being together for three years...that's a long time, my longest relationship ever. It's still wierd to think that we've put so much of our lives into this, and it's over. Who knows, maybe things will work out one days...I could go more into this, but I don't really want to bitch too much about this publicly.[line break] [line break] Oh, and the faculty got all pissed off at me for my game this week. They gave me all this bullshit about it being too offensive or something to have the school associated with it, so they won't even let me post it on the site. I thought this project was supposed to be about *experimentation*, and here they are telling me to Disney everything up and play it safe. Whatever, I don't really care.[line break] [line break] Maybe I should just go back to Cali.". The anniversary clue is in the blog page. "evan/becky anniversary: 11/20/2002 [italic type]-- game was too offensive for schoolx !?[roman type]". After examining the crappy week post: if the player does not carry the anniversary clue begin; say "(You now have the anniversary clue.)"; now the player carries the anniversary clue; end if. The visit back home post is in the blog page. "Wednesday, November 02, 2005[line break] [italic type]Visit Back Home[roman type][line break] [line break] Getting back into the swing of things here at the ETC, I'm working on my first game this round. I think it's going to be really cool, I think it's really going to push what's been done in this project so far (I don't want to give any of the surprise away, you'll have to wait until it's done!)[line break] [line break] I got to go home and visit Becky, friends, and family back in Rhode Island the other week. I haven't been back there in a long time, not since the beginning of the summer. It was great to hang out with Becky and everybody again. But you know what was the best part? Getting to eat back at Johnny B's. Best diner, period. I love B's, I haven't found anything close here in the Burgh or out in Cali.". The new blog post is in the blog page. "Tuesday, October 25, 2005[line break] [italic type]New Blog[roman type][line break] [line break] Hey everybody,[line break] [line break] I decided to start doing this crazy blog thing. Hopefully I'll have something witty to say. I also just started a new website, www.evanvincent.com.[line break] [line break] So I'm back here at Carnegie Mellon from my internship. They put me on Experimental Gameplay Project, which should totally rock. I get to make a new video game every week, how cool is that?[line break] [line break] I'll post more later.". [--] The bio page is a page. "{broken image me.jpg} My name is Evan Vincent, and I am currently finishing my Masters at Carnegie Mellon University in Entertainment Technology. Before coming here, I earned my BS in Computer Science from Brown University.[paragraph break]This past summer and fall, I interned as a programmer at Electronic Arts. Upon graduating from Carnegie Mellon, I plan to go into the video game industry full-time as a programmer. For a summary of projects I have worked on, check out my research page.[paragraph break]For everything else, check out my blog.". The url of it is "http://web.archive.org/web/20060530080330/www.evanvincent.com/bio.php". The title of it is "EvanVincent.com". [--] The resume page is a page. "I'm currently updating my resume, so check back later!". The url of it is "http://web.archive.org/web/20060530080235/www.evanvincent.com/resume.php". The title of it is "EvanVincent.com". [--] The research page is a page. "I'm currently updating this section, so check back later!". The url of it is "http://web.archive.org/web/20060530080303/www.evanvincent.com/research.php". The title of it is "EvanVincent.com". [--] The pictures page is a page. "More pictures coming soon![line break]{broken image meandbecky1.jpg}[line break]Becky and I. Aren't we a cute couple?[line break]{broken image meandbecky2.jpg}[line break]Becky and I hanging out.[line break]{broken image baxter.jpg}[line break]My dog, Baxter. Nice face.". The url of it is "http://web.archive.org/web/20060530080345/www.evanvincent.com/pictures.php". The title of it is "EvanVincent.com". [--] Members page is a page. "It is a simple welcome page. There isn't much more than a list of links (and a logo) here. Your options: Check Messages, File Share, and Notes.". The title of it is "Experimental Gameplay Project Members". The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/". The link to check messages is an anchor in the members page. The destination of it is the messages page. The link to file share is an anchor in the members page. The destination of it is the file share page. The link to notes is an anchor in the members page. The destination of it is the notes page. [--] Before clicking the link to check messages: if the player does not carry the anniversary clue begin; say "Invalid Login.[paragraph break]A username/password prompt halts your progress. The password 'changeme' must have been ... changed. The 'forgot password' utility only divulges the minimal hint: 'anniversary'."; stop the action; end if; The messages page is a page. "Strange, this page indeed shows messages ([italic type]Red Book -Shane[roman type], [italic type]Troy Password -TJ[roman type], [italic type]Troy Password -Chris[roman type], [italic type]Dinner on Saturday -TJ[roman type]), but there is no way to post new messages or delete old ones. You suppose these guys are so used to writing code quickly that they probably hacked together their own messaging system in less than the time it would take to install something more traditional. Actually, now that you think about it, the fact that this page is all there is to the messaging system is a little fishy -- unless, that is, they leave messages for each other by inserting them into the database by hand (which is plausable for prototype-oriented guys like these).[paragraph break]Enough second guessing.". The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/messages/messages.php". The title of it is "Experimental Gameplay Project Members". The red book message is in the messages page. "November 11, 8:27 PM[line break] Subject - Red Book[line break] From - Shane[line break] To - All[line break] [italic type]Did somebody borrow the Red OpenGL Book? Could you please return it to me when you're done, thanks![roman type]". The tj troy password message is in the messages page. "November 11, 2:02 PM[line break] Subject - Troy Password[line break] From - TJ[line break] To - Evan[line break] [italic type]Hey man, I had to take Troy off the site for now at the faculty's request. I also put a password on the file in case it slips into the wrong hands. The password is 'RjRMTDBGN1IwWQ==', make sure to decrypt that. Listen, if it means anything, I think the faculty were a little rash on their decision. I thought that the game was gutsy, even though I didn't necessarily agree with it.[roman type]". The binary password is in the messages page. "binary password: 'RjRMTDBGN1IwWQ'== [italic type]-- base64 encoding of 'F4LL0F7R0Y'[roman type]". After examining the tj troy password message: if the player does not carry the binary password begin; say "(You now have the binary password.)"; now the player carries the binary password; end if. The chris troy password message is in the messages page. "November 11, 9:15 AM[line break] Subject - Troy Password[line break] From - Chris[line break] To - Evan[line break] [italic type]Evan, we need to sit down one-on-one and discuss your last game. The faculty was very upset with the direction you took with this week's game. Let me know when you are available so that we can discuss this game and your future games.[roman type]". The dinner saturday message is in the message page. "November 10, 2:27 PM[line break] Subject - Dinner on Saturday[line break] From - TJ[line break] To - All[line break] [italic type]Remember, we're all going out to dinner on Saturday at the Waterfront, 6:30 PM.[roman type]". [--] The notes page is a page. "Members Page - TJ's Notes[line break] [line break] * Make sure to post new games in the fileshare (there's a password on the folder just so that random people can't get in and see things that you don't want them to)[line break] * TJ will be out of town Sun-Tue[line break] * Chris will be out of town all next week[line break] * Visitors from EA will be here on Wednesday, be ready to do demos[line break] * Faculty walkaround is in three weeks[line break] * Start thinking about ideas for next week's theme!". The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/notes/". The title of it is "Experimental Gameplay Project Members". [--] Before clicking the link to file share: if the player does not carry the fileshare login begin; say "Invalid Login.[paragraph break]A username/password prompt halts your progress. There isn't even a 'forgot password' utility to help you out."; stop the action; end if; The file share page is a page. "A directory full of binaries![paragraph break][fixed letter spacing] Name Last modified Size [line break] [line break] Parent Directory 8-Nov-2005 21:57 - [line break] Bloop.exe 11-Oct-2005 14:11 7.9M [line break] CivilUnrest.exe 13-Sep-2005 12:14 9.9M [line break] FlowControl.exe 27-Sep-2005 11:44 3.1M [line break] GrowEm.exe 11-Oct-2005 14:18 3.2M [line break] Guidance.exe 21-Oct-2005 12:33 7.1M [line break] IceFishing.exe 4-Oct-2005 19:12 6.2M [line break] Linahopp.exe 13-Sep-2005 12:12 6.8M [line break] MailMadness.exe 21-Oct-2005 12:30 4.0M [line break] Nexus.exe 21-Oct-2005 12:37 5.6M [line break] PlanetaryPropogation..> 11-Oct-2005 14:32 3.3M [line break] Riff.exe 20-Sep-2005 16:28 6.7M [line break] TheHunters.exe 21-Oct-2005 12:28 2.9M [line break] TownsburghPower.exe 20-Sep-2005 17:12 4.6M [line break] Troy.exe 11-Nov-2005 00:02 2.8M [line break] Updraft.exe 4-Oct-2005 18:58 3.3M[variable letter spacing]". The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/fileshare/index.php". The title of it is "Index of /fileshare". The link to fileshare parent directory is an anchor in the file share page. The destination of it is the members page. The link to bloop is an anchor in the file share page. The destination of it is the bloop game. The link to civil unrest is an anchor in the file share page. The destination of it is the civil unrest game. The link to flow control is an anchor in the file share page. The destination of it is the flow control game. The link to grow em is an anchor in the file share page. The destination of it is the grow em game. The link to guidance is an anchor in the file share page. The destination of it is the guidance game. The link to ice fishing is an anchor in the file share page. The destination of it is the ice fishing game. The link to lina hopp is an anchor in the file share page. The destination of it is the lina hopp game. The link to mail madness is an anchor in the file share page. The destination of it is the mail madness game. The link to nexus is an anchor in the file share page. The destination of it is the nexus game. The link to planetary propogation is an anchor in the file share page. The destination of it is the planetary propogation game. The link to riff is an anchor in the file share page. The destination of it is the riff game. The link to the hunters is an anchor in the file share page. The destination of it is the hunters game. The link to townburgh power is an anchor in the file share page. The destination of it is the townsburgh power game. The link to troy is an anchor in the file share page. The destination of it is the troy game. The link to updraft is an anchor in the file share page. The destination of it is the updraft game. Before clicking the link to troy: if the player does not carry the binary password begin; say "The file is protected with a password.[paragraph break]It took all this snooping [italic type]just[roman type] to download the file that file for which you first hit the 404 page."; stop the action; end if. [--] Cover art is a page. "A large black and white imae. 'TROY' is written across the top third of the image in a stylized font. The middle third comprises a high-constrast, filtered closeup of a human eye. There isn't enough detail in the rest of your face to determine a gender for this person. Finally, across the bottom reads 'by Evan Vincent' and 'Click to Start'. This must be the title screen from the game, there is nothing clickable here." The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/newstuff/EvansStuff/troytitle.png". The title of it is "troytitle.png (PNG Image, 1024x768 pixels)". [--] ETC Home is a page. "No, this site is far to general to be able to tell you anything about [italic type]Troy[roman type]." The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/". The title of it is "Carnegie Mellon's Entertainment Technology Center". Chapter 4 - Some Computer Games [--] The bloop game is a page. The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/fileshare/Bloop.exe". The title of it is "Bloop.exe". Instead of loading the bloop game: clear the screen; say "Bloop[line break][line break]by SJML[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Please read the postmortems![line break]Drag the microbes around to breed the target organism.[line break]What out for evil ones![paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Your display becomes a giant magnifying glass. In its view are several flagellated microorganisms, all single-celled. They have varying traits (glow, size, number of nuclei, shape, etc). The HUD suggests you make a certain kind of organism. For the life of you, you can't seem to evolve the kind of creature you want.[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; clear the screen; try backing up. [--] The civil unrest game is a page. The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/fileshare/CivilUnrest.exe". The title of it is "CivilUnrest.exe". Instead of loading the civil unrest game: say "404 Not Found.[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Normally it would be impossible to get a 404 when clicking a link from a directory index. Hmm.[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; try backing up. [--] The flow control game is a page. The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/fileshare/FlowControl.exe". The title of it is "FlowControl.exe". Instead of loading the flow control game: clear the screen; say "FLOW CONTROL[line break]by demetrius jordan[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "GOAL: maneuver the balls to the colored squares to score poitns until the time bar runs out[line break]HOW: click the fans to change direction[line break]manipulate the maze to control flow clicking on the barriers[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Nifty animation. The gameplay is just like the description suggested. GAME OVER (you couldn't finish the maze in time)."; wait for any key; clear the screen; try backing up. [--] The grow em game is a page. The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/fileshare/GrowEm.exe". The title of it is "GrowEm.exe". Instead of loading the grow em game: clear the screen; say "Grow 'Em![line break]by TJ Jackson[line break]Made in 2 days[line break]Music - Dimitri Shostakovich[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Instructions[line break]Select two flowers and make a seed[line break]Select seed, click on ground, and pull up to grow flower[line break]Breed the flowers to make target flower[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "You quickly fill your screen with terrible mutant flowers, each with their own cute face. It looks like this game will take more than two minutes to beat."; wait for any key; clear the screen; try backing up. [--] The guidance game is a page. The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/fileshare/Guidance.exe". The title of it is "Guidance.ex". Instead of loading the guidance game: clear the screen; say "GUIDANCE[line break]by TJ Jacksion[line break]Made in 3 Days[line break]Music - Zero 7[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "INSTRUCTIONS[line break]Your mouse is the center of gravity of the system. Masses are accelerated toward it. Move your mouse to guide the masses.[line break]Bring a mass to a target of the same color to score points.[line break]{yellow puff, arrow, yellow target}[line break]You lose life when masses collide with each other.[line break]{yellow puff and blue puff with a crossed circle over them}[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Magic white bars block block the path of the stars in most cases. Its a good thing they are they or else your single yellow and blue masses would quickly converge. You navigate the masses through a few targets with ease. However your life creeps steadily down with your sloppy control. Indirect control may be a cool game mechanic to experiment with, but its not the best for making a nice arcade game."; wait for any key; clear the screen; try backing up. [--] The ice fishing game is a page. The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/fileshare/IceFishing.exe". The title of it is "IceFishing.exe". Instead of loading the ice fishing game: clear the screen; say "Ice Fishing[line break](MacGyver Style)[line break]Click To Start[line break]By Phillip Saltzman[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Click to focus the sun's rays[line break]Melt snow to make icicles[line break]Melt icicles to hit fish[line break]Can you catch them all before sunset??[line break]Click to Continue[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Dark, alpha-blended ovals circle in an frosty pond in the center of the screen. Particle system snow floats down across the scene. Your cursor makes a little glowing triangle of light when it is near the sun. Placing it over the snow, as the instructions promised, produces water that freezes into icicles, that then melt off and fall into the bodies of the 'fish' below. You lose interest after about five of such fishes."; wait for any key; clear the screen; try backing up. [--] The lina hopp game is a page. The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/fileshare/Linahopp.exe". The title of it is "Linahopp.exe". Instead of loading the lina hopp game: clear the screen; say "LINAHOP[line break]by TJ Jackson[line break]Made in 1 Week[line break]Music: Watter Legawiec[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Instructions:[line break]Hold and move left mouse button to draw barriers[line break]{picture of purple barrier (looks hand drawn) deflecting a red ball from the path of a blue ball while a green ball sneaks in from the back}[line break]Block to red tokens, and collect the green![paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "LEIKUR YFIR![line break](Game Over)[line break]Your Score: 0[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Well, that was quick. You try again. Madly drawing purple barriers seemingly just in time to save your sorry blue token, you manage to score 800 points before a red token sneaks in. Nifty.[line break]Game over."; wait for any key; clear the screen; try backing up. [--] The mail madness game is a page. The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/fileshare/MailMadness.exe". The title of it is "MailMadness.exe". Instead of loading the mail madness game: clear the screen; say "Mail Madness!!![line break]Click to Start[line break]By Phillip Saltzman[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Instructions[line break]{a red letter tumbles down a ramp towards blue bin}[line break]Click on the outlines to make ramps[line break]Sort the mail into bins by color[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "A colored letters drop from gray ducts at the top of the screen. The first few drop directly into the correct bins but things quickly start to get complex. No matter how fast you turn on these 'ramps' you can't seem to keep up with the mail. After a while you have several letters of all colors trapped in a corner of the screen, bouncing around subject to numerical errors in the physics code presumably. A few seconds later...[paragraph break]Game Over[line break]You sorted 5 pieces of mail[line break]Click Here to Play Again[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Maybe not."; wait for any key; clear the screen; try backing up. The nexus game is a page. The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/fileshare/Nexus.exe". The title of it is "Nexus.exe". Instead of loading the nexus game: clear the screen; say "N E X U S[line break]by SJML[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Which would you prefer?[line break][line break]a game![line break]a toy![line break](your cursor hovers over 'a toy')[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "GRAVITY:[line break]Form masses from the debris by clicking[line break]{small rocks, green arrow, big rock}[line break]Use the gravity of the masses to manipulate the stream.[line break]Quite juicy![line break]Shift-drag to build masses.[line break]Right-click to reset world.[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "You 'build' a few masses and successfully divert a stream of strange green goo around the screen a bit. After less than a minute the game becomes near unplayable because of increasingly strange graphical bugs. Maybe there is something strange about your video card drivers that doesn't fit some assumption the developer made. You quit the game without succesfully locating the GAME OVER screen."; wait for any key; clear the screen; try backing up. The planetary propogation game is a page. The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/fileshare/PlanetaryPropogation.exe". The title of it is "PlanetaryPropogation.exe". Instead of loading the planetary propogation game: clear the screen; say "Planetary Propagation[line break]By Demetrius Jordan[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Planetary Propagation[line break]Goal: Form 12 planets without getting hit by a planet[line break]How: carry space debris to nebulas in space to form a planet[line break]Controls:[line break]left-click on a spaceship to gather debris[line break]left-click around the screen to move the spaceship[line break]Hints:[line break]more debris form bigger planets[line break]planets that hit each other form moons and move faster[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "After several minutes of clicking:[paragraph break]Planets formed: 7[line break]You Lose[line break]click to play again[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "You suppose its a fair call to call crashing into the sun a way to lose the game. This game didn't have most realistic gravity simulation (or any at all), but it did give you a nice sense of accomplishment. Anyway, moving on..."; wait for any key; clear the screen; try backing up. The riff game is a page. The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/fileshare/Riff.exe". The title of it is "Riff.exe". Instead of loading the riff game: clear the screen; say "Riff[line break]by TJ Jackson[line break]Made in 3 Days[line break]Music - John Coltrane[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Instructions:[line break]Click on adjacent tokens of the same shape or color to build a combo chain[line break]See how high of a combo you can make![line break]{squares, diamonds, hexagons, stars, circles are connected by sticks}[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Nice jazz.[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "game over[line break]Your Score: 74[line break]Max combo: 4[paragraph break]Yay! ... You blame your poor performance on the soft blur that seems to cast over the whole game. Unfortunately, there was nothing all that jazzy about the game."; wait for any key; clear the screen; try backing up. The hunters game is a page. The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/fileshare/TheHunters.exe". The title of it is "TheHunters.exe". Instead of loading the hunters game: clear the screen; say "The Hunters[line break]by Demetrius Jordan[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Goal[line break]Take down the prey by hanging on all 6 tentacles[line break]Controls[line break]left-click to select a hunter[line break]left-click again to jump[line break]hold right mouse button to move hunters[line break]Hints[line break]moving the tower too fast causes it to fall[line break]reach the prey before it gets over the stars[paragraph break]we declare VICTORY!!![paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Your tribal goons form a tower by climbing atop each others shoulders. Your first try moving the tower leads to immediate crubling. A strange, six-armed, one-eyed monster waves its tentacles tauntingly above your people and slowly ascends into the heavens. As your more and more of your people grab hold of the tentacles the 'prey' stops making progress and before long you are seeing the much deserved 'VICTORY!!!' screen. Bang."; wait for any key; clear the screen; try backing up. The townsburgh power game is a page. The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/fileshare/TownsburghPower.exe". The title of it is "TownsburghPower.exe". Instead of loading the townsburgh power game: clear the screen; say "Townsburgh Power[line break]Click to Start[line break]by Phillip Saltzman[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Instructions:[line break]Drag gears to the switchboard and use them to extend the chain gear network[line break]Double click a gear to pass it over the chain[line break]Discard a gear by moving it to the trash[line break]When a lightbulb gear spins enough, it adds power to the grid[line break]When a link gear spins fast enough, it adds links to the chain[line break]Townsburgh is counting on you to keep the grid green![line break]Click to continue[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Click click click double click drag click click click click click click click.[paragraph break]Great Work![paragraph break]It appears by extending a strangely elastic chainsaw over the entire city and wrapping it around enough gears (the size of several city blocks) you have saved the day. Hmm."; wait for any key; clear the screen; try backing up. The troy game is a page. The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/fileshare/Troy.exe". The title of it is "Troy.exe". Instead of loading the troy game: turn the background black; say white letters; clear the screen; wait for any key; clear the screen; center "TROY"; say paragraph break; center "by Evan Vincent"; say paragraph break; center "Click to Start"; wait for any key; clear the screen; wait for any key; clear the screen; center "why are you so nosey"; center "my little child"; wait for any key; clear the screen; wait for any key; clear the screen; center "why do you want"; center "to know"; center "my secrets"; wait for any key; clear the screen; wait for any key; clear the screen; center "perhaps..."; wait for any key; clear the screen; wait for any key; clear the screen; center "it is time"; wait for any key; clear the screen; wait for any key; clear the screen; center "to know yours"; wait for any key; clear the screen; wait for any key; clear the screen; center "noseychild.evanvincent.com"; wait for any key; turn the background white; say black letters; clear the screen; say "The site is gone now, taken by the squatters. There is no record of it a archive.org[paragraph break]Was [blue letters][italic type]this[roman type][black letters] the game?[paragraph break]"; stop game abruptly. The updraft game is a page. The url of it is "http://www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/Prototypes/members/fileshare/Updraft.exe". The title of it is "Updraft.exe". Instead of loading the updraft game: say "404 Not Found.[paragraph break]"; wait for any key; say "Strange, the directory index said the file was right here. Even stranger, upon closer inspection, is the fact that the title of the directory index '/fileshare' had no preceeding path. [italic type]Your joy at finding all of these games is suddenly twisted by a deep feeling of suspicion.[roman type][paragraph break]"; wait for any key; try backing up. Chapter 5 - Initial Conditions When play begins: turn the background black; clear the screen; say white letters; center "THIS IS NOT A GAME"; say black letters; wait for any key; turn the background white; clear the screen; say "A trustworthy friend sends you a link to download a new game under development, [italic type]Troy[roman type], but refuses to tell you anything about it. 'Trust me', they write, 'this is exactly the sort of thing you are in to.' You aren't really sure what this means, but click the link anyway. Loading.[paragraph break]"; say "[fixed letter spacing][url of rabbit hole][variable letter spacing][paragraph break]"; say "Troy. The name sounds familiar. There is a vauge connection in your mind between a game named Troy and virtual reality, artificial reality, surrealism -- something [italic type]somehow[roman type] related to reality.[paragraph break]"; say "[blue letters]Browser actions:[line break]Say [bold type]CLICK a link[roman type] to follow a link.[line break]Say [bold type]HISTORY[roman type] to list your browser's history.[line break]Say [bold type]BACK[roman type] to go back a page in your history.[line break]Say [bold type]LINKS[roman type] to list links on the current page.[line break][black letters][paragraph break]"; wait for any key; clear the screen. The player is in the rabbit hole. The current page is the rabbit hole. Test me with "parent / 2304 / x writing / b / stuff / logininfo / evanvincent / blog / x crappy / b / b / members / c messages / x tj password / b / share".